How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles Naturally? Here are the Best 7 Natural Solutions

Carpet Beetles
Image by Golda Falk from Pixabay

Now and then, we hear of cases of carpet beetle infestation pop up on the radar. It is no surprise. They are ubiquitous. A 2012 study showed that more than 90% of American households had carpet beetles. These insects find their way into homes (particularly in the fall as they escape the harshness of impending winter). 

They lurk in deep, dark, obscure spots like crevices and attics, among other places. They are not poisonous or carry germs, but they are troublesome nonetheless. They munch greedily on any household item, damaging them in the process, although they seem to relish fabric ahead of the lot. 

Read more: When Does a Pest Problem Become an Infestation?

Wool, fur, bookbinding, curtains, food crumbs, and beddings – you name it – they eat away at them all, indiscriminately. It is noteworthy that their larvae form is most responsible for this menace. Adults often feed on pollen. Carpet beetle infestations, when full-blown, can be quite the problem – such that only professional help would suffice.

Identifying Carpet Beetle Infestations

Carpet beetles are either black or dark orange-brown. They are surprisingly small, approximately the size of a pinhead and move slowly. In fact, if you touch one they will roll over. It’s an attempt to convince you they are dead and not worth concerning yourself with.

They can enter your home through an open window, door, or even small cracks in your walls. Carpet Beetles can fly and are attracted to light sources. In short, if you have a light on and they can find a way in, they will visit you.

7 Natural Remedies for Carpet Beetle Infestation

Today, I will share the best solutions to answer your question about how to get rid of carpet beetles naturally. There are a variety of strategies to employ in dealing with these critters without necessarily resorting to obnoxious chemicals and pesticides. Read on to find out!

1. Tidy Up Your Home

Cleanliness tops the list of natural remedies. It is the cheapest option for the lot. This is because it hardly involves using any costly substance. In addition, it proffers other benefits in the home. Regularly cleaning the entirety of the home’s interior – including the dark, obscure, and even dusty spots – nips potential infestations in the bud. 

Use vacuum cleaners to clean surfaces like carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture. Make sure that pets are not left out of your cleanliness regimen. These beetles are notorious for latching onto animal fur to slink into homes. Keeping pets clean plummets the chances of infestation.

2. Use Vinegar

Another option you might want to explore is the use of vinegar. Vinegar is especially effective against insects. After vacuuming, clean with vinegar solution. Vinegar sprays could also suffice for hidden spots, crevices, and the like while you are cleaning. 

However, it is noteworthy that some materials – such as wool – are not compatible with vinegar. Thus, you might have to steer clear of them during application. 

Using vinegar is easy. Mix an equal amount of apple cider vinegar with water and put the contents in a spray bottle. You can then spray your carpets, clothes, and almost any other infected surface.

3. Boric Acid

Boric acid could pass as a mild antiseptic. However, it is incredibly lethal against carpet beetles. Sprinkle a boric acid solution all over home surfaces that are potential larvae nursing grounds. Mix the boric acid powder with a moderately large volume of water, and stir thoroughly. Then, spray around the necessary spots in the home till you run out of the mixture. Ensure it is pretty dilute to avoid risks. 

Like many other insect infestations, early detection goes a long way in adequately combating potential infestations. Insects have impressive reproductive prowess. Letting down your guard could culminate in a full-blown infestation much later. Thus, you must pick up on the subtlest of signs. This will help prevent deep-biting domestic maintenance and insecticidal expenses in the long run and divert these funds into other more profitable ventures.

4. Diatomaceous Earth

This is a natural substance that takes millions of years to form. It occurs naturally when fossilized bones are compacted by additional layers of soil. The fine powder consists of many sharp edges which are deadly to carpet beetles and other insects.

These share edges will cut the exoskeleton of beetles and other insects, causing them to dehydrate. The best part is, you can purchase it as a food-grade option. This allows you to sprinkle it on the carpet and any places where you think beetles can enter. It’s harmless to humans and pets. 

5. Steam Cleaning

A good quality vacuum will effectively suck carpet beetles up and allow you to remove them from your home. It’s also a great way of removing the eggs and unborn carpet beetles. It does require a powerful vacuum cleaner and there is no guarantee you’ll get all of them.

To help ensure the carpet beetles, and any other pests, have been vanquished, you’ll want to invest in a steam cleaner. This can be moved methodically across the carpet and other soft furnishings. The heat of the steam will kill carpet beetles without damaging your furnishings.

6. Use The Washing Machine

Carpet beetles generally live in the carpets but that doesn’t mean they won’t check out your soft furnishings. That includes your bedding and curtains. Fortunately, many of these items can be bundled up and put into the washing machine. Make sure you choose a hot cycle and the heat will kill the beetles. 

7. Plug The Gaps

Eliminating carpet beetles takes time, that’s why most people prefer to get specialist help. Of course, the best approach to this issue is to avoid it in the first place. You can do this by adding netting to your windows and bead or ribbon curtains to the doors. 

Alongside this, check for any gaps and cracks in your walls, they are most common around your windows and doors. Seal up any gaps to ensure the carpet beetles can’t enter. It means you don’t need to deal with an infestation in your home. 

It’s also worth keeping your eyes open for bird nests. These are very attractive to carpet beetles. With the birds gone, carpet beetles make the nest their own home. Unfortunately, if the nest is near the house the beetles will naturally move inside. You need to eliminate old nests as soon as possible.