Quiz: Poor housekeeping exposes workers to several types of hazards.

Poor housekeeping exposes workers to several types of hazards
Poor housekeeping exposes workers to several types of hazards

Quiz: Poor housekeeping exposes workers to several types of hazards. From the answer options below, select the hazards related to poor housekeeping. (Select all that apply)

  1. Tripping hazards

  2. Fire and explosion hazards

  3. Hazards associated with harboring pests, such as rats or mice

  4. Ergonomic hazards


  1. A, B and C are correct.
  2. D is incorrect

1. Tripping Hazards

Tripping hazard is one of the leading causes of injuries brought about by poor housekeeping. Tripping Hazard refers to situations where obstructions in a pathway can lead to loss of balance and, eventually, fall. A couple of hazards can cause tripping. These include:

  • Poor lighting- poor lighting, inadequate illumination
  • Poor housekeeping- loose rugs, broken tiles, and excessively long drapes
  • Clutter or obstructions that lead to tripping. Chairs, blocks, and cartons are some of the common sources.

Read more: Different Types of Housekeeping Services

2. Fire and Explosion Hazards

Generally, poor housekeeping can contribute to many hazards associated with fire or explosion risks. These include fires caused by careless handling of candles, use of open flames such as in cooking, etc., and the presence of flammable materials such as petroleum products, paints, solvents, and insecticides being improperly stored. Fire and explosion hazards due to heat buildup, flammable objects, and improper storage of flammable liquids (such as benzene) in the workplace can cause fire or explosion and the resulting toxic fumes or gases can harm your health.

3. Hazards associated with harboring pests, such as rats or mice

The presence of these pests can lead to various damages and injuries. They may bite people, causing stings and diseases, or they may bite on a commodity such as food or clothing. They are known to cause diseases and, in some cases, severe skin irritation and allergies.

4. Ergonomic hazards

Ergonomic Hazards are not related to poor housekeeping. Ergonomic hazards such as back pains and other musculoskeletal injuries are not a result of poor housekeeping. Other ergonomic hazards include, for example, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, repetitive motion injuries such as wrist sprains, Lumbar back pain, High Blood pressure, Osteoarthritis, and other diseases. These ergonomic hazards are associated with using industrial equipment or poorly designed machinery. They can be caused by bad seats for tall people, strain working on higher or poorly designed desks, etc. These hazards are caused by poor seating and work postures leading to muscle strains and nerve damage.


From the question above, we have established that the answers A, B, and C are the correct answers. However, D was incorrect. In conclusion, poor housekeeping does contribute to fire, explosion, tripping, and rodent hazard.

Alexander James
Alexander James is the founder of Homoper.com, a popular blog about home, gardening, and real estate. With extensive knowledge and experience in these areas, he is passionate about sharing his expertise with homeowners to assist them in creating a more comfortable and beautiful living space. Follow him and his website to learn practical tips and find inspiration for enhancing both your home and garden.