How to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinet

Data safety has become a significant issue for both businesses and casual Internet users. People share a lot of personal data on social networks, which isn't always safe. Facebook alone has leaked 533 million user data, which was exposed online.   At the same time, businesses are common cyberattack targets. Ransomware attacks grew by 105%, and the payout demands reached millions. It's particularly crippling for small and medium businesses, with 60% closing after a successful data breach. Cryptocurrency trading platforms suffered several devastating hacks amounting to nearly $2 billion in losses.   Protecting your data is paramount whether you're a business owner, crypto trader, investor, or home user. And you don't have to sacrifice comfort for security. But where to start? Good old backups Backing up data is by no means new technology. But it's seldom overlooked, especially for home users. Many mistakenly think cybercriminals have nothing to gain from attacking casual Internet users. But since remote work is slowly becoming a standard, hackers prioritize targeting home networks due to a lack of sophisticated cybersecurity.   Backups create a copy of your files. In case of data corruption or loss, you can use these copies to prevent damage. Most of the time, backups are stored on the same drive, but there are safer methods. If your device is hit by ransomware, it will encrypt the backup with everything else. Consider an external drive or cloud storage to store backups safely. Cloud storage can be accessed wherever you go adding to user comfort. Cloud storage services Storing the data in the Cloud is becoming the norm for most businesses. It's also more comfortable than managing your own colossal storage structure. Safety-wise Cloud is more secure unless you're willing to spend a hefty sum of money on cybersecurity. Tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft all provide Cloud services with robust security systems.   Another significant advantage is cloud sync. Nowadays, most people use several devices. And you may want to have access to your data from all of them. Cloud sync allows accessing the same data from your work computer, smartphone, tablet, or whatever you use. It will keep your files in different locations updated through the Cloud, which is excellent for business owners who frequently travel.   Lastly, Cloud storage is cost-effective. You don't have to buy expensive hardware to store terabytes of data. Most Cloud storage providers charge only for the space used. Moreover, Amazon lets you move rarely used data to a lower-cost plan. File encryption services Even though Cloud is easily accessible, it's not 100% foolproof. Dropbox, a renowned cloud storage provider, was hacked in 2012. If you want to add additional security on top, consider using file encryption services. They will encrypt your chosen files, which you can keep locally on your device or upload to the Cloud. Since you are the only owner of the decryption key, even if your files leak from the Cloud, no one can access them.   Encryption software is easy to use. You can drag and drop files you want to encrypt and access them with a few clicks. It's way more comfortable than protecting numerous folders with different passwords. Password managers Passwords are a crucial part of the Internet safety structure. Cloud services, crypto-wallets, and social networks require setting up passwords. Password managers are an excellent way to manage your passwords, storing them in a safe and encrypted vault.   Moreover, well-developed password managers support multi-device compatibility and also use Cloud Sync. You can easily access your confidential files wherever you go, knowing they are safe behind a formidable password.
How to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinet

Most of us love food and there is nothing that brings happiness among people other than sharing a delicious meal. That said, after all the cooking, your kitchen cabinets will have some grease on them that must be removed as soon as possible. Sometimes, grease accrues on the kitchen cabinets from the frequent cooking or people touching them with greasy hands. While getting grease off the kitchen cabinets seems quite easily, it may take a bit of effort from your side to remove it. On several occasions, I have come across people asking, how do I clean sticky kitchen cabinets? There are many ways to go about it and we have done the honors of rounding them up for you. On that note, here is how to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets;

Use white vinegar and hot water

You don’t have to spend money on expensive degreasing products when you can simply use white vinegar and hot water. For starters, white vinegar is a natural cleaning agent and has some impeccable degreasing properties basically because of its acidic nature. Furthermore, white vinegar does not have any harmful chemicals that might be found in some of degreasing products. You can even use it to clean other kitchen appliances apart from the cabinets.

All you have to do is mix the vinegar and hot water in a 50/50 measure and put the solution in a spray bottle.  Spray the solution directly on the greasy kitchen cabinets and leave it for a few minutes. Wipe the cabinets with a warm cloth to remove all the grease stains.

Use dishwashing liquid

How to clean grease off kitchen cabinets has a pretty simple answer. Your dishwashing liquid will get the job done. The dishwashing soap is designed to effectively cut through grease on the dishes and will definitely make for an excellent degreasing agent for the cabinets. Additionally, degreasing with the dishwashing soap is super easy. The first thing to do is add a small amount of your usual dishwashing soap to a bowl of warm water. Get the cleaning sponge, dip it in the water and squeeze. Using the sponge, start scrubbing the cabinet and follow the grain on wooden cabinet. Rinse the sponge while repeating the process until all the grease is removed.

Remove grease with baking soda and lemon

What is the best degreaser for kitchen cabinets? Well, there are so many of them but baking soda and lemon never disappoints. These two are actually the champions of natural cleaning agents. If you have stubborn grease set on your cabinets, worry no more because you have just found yourself excellent cleaning agents that will leave them looking clean and shiny. Use two parts of warm water and lemon juice with one part of baking soda to create an effective cleaning solution. Put the resulting solution in a spray bottle and spray it directly on the cabinets. Wait for about three minutes before gently rubbing away the grease using a sponge.

I know you’ve been wondering what is the best degreaser for kitchen cabinets. White vinegar, lemon, dishwashing liquid and baking soda seems to be the best degreaser for greasy kitchen cabinets. However, you can use several other methods such as Flour or coconut oil to remove the grease in cabinet doors which are practically magnets for sticky grease stains and other dirt.

Alexander James
Alexander James is the founder of, a popular blog about home, gardening, and real estate. With extensive knowledge and experience in these areas, he is passionate about sharing his expertise with homeowners to assist them in creating a more comfortable and beautiful living space. Follow him and his website to learn practical tips and find inspiration for enhancing both your home and garden.